


12.12.2024 | 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Book Presentation with atelier local, Teresa Rodeia and Filipe Magalhães | Livraria Zé dos Bois | Lisboa | Portugal

13.12.2024 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Book Presentation with atelier local, Ana Catarina Costa and Francisco Ascensão | Livraria Flaneur | Porto | Portugal


Livraria A+A

Livraria ZDB


Livraria Flâneur

If you would like to submit a book suggestion to us: 
Please note that we only accept proposals with secured financing and schedule via email to the address below. 
Send a short exposé at a maximum of fifteen pages, including a project description, images, and some 
information on the author(s) or editor(s). 
Because of the high volume of submissions we receive, review may take several weeks and we cannot 
guarantee feedback on proposals. We will contact you for further information if we are interested in your project.

Media Inquiries
Please email your request for a press pack and/or review copy to with the press as subject.
We appreciate receiving a digital copy of each review upon publication.